One Final Key to BT!
One final key for how to receive dramatic breakthroughs is fasting. All great men and women in the faith practiced regular times of fasting to bring the flesh under control of the Holy Spirit and to draw closer to God. Fasting is helpful to obtain freedom from addictions, to solve problems, make decisions, win people to Christ, for physical and emotional healing, and for deliverance from demonic strongholds.

I highly recommend both these books for gaining further insight and the encouragement to add fasting to your spiritual disciplines. There is much to be gained as we draw closer to God and put Him first in our life. Mahesh Chavda wrote, “The key to defeating dark strongholds is twofold. First, we must tap the power of the Spirit through the combination of prayer and fasting. Second, we will overcome in the largest battles only when we pray and fast together and unleash the incredible power of the the Body of Christ on its' knees” (p.92).
Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough- Elmer Towns.
The Hidden Power of Prayer & Fasting- Mahesh Chavda.
River of Life
who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will
flow rivers of living water.” Rivers
are a source of life and energy. The River of Life, Jesus Christ, not
only wants to abide in you, but He
wants to flow out of your heart as
you share God's Word and His love to others. The purpose of the
Presence of God in our church services is so the River of Life can
flow through and produce miracles, signs and wonders.
at the beginning of this message, I told you how the Lord told me to pray for breakthrough on the way to church one morning. That's
the day the Holy Spirit launched me on this quest for truth. On the
following Sunday the pastor opened the floor for testimonies. Several
people stood to share what was on their heart from the Lord. Then I
went up front to deliver a prophetic word. The Lord gave me a picture
of the dam at Lake James and the four locks thru which the water
flows along the Catawba River. When all the locks are open the water
flows abundantly down stream bringing new life and energy. When only
one lock is open, there is a restricted flow of water, gentle and
The Lord wanted to open all four locks for that church on
that day. He wanted to release a powerful flow of His Spirit in that
place. The Lord wants the River of Life to flow through through us
and through our church services. He wants to bring a mighty BT so
that we are enabled to experience miracles, healing, deliverance,
souls saved, saints brought into maturity and released into their
don't need better programs or new, improved contemporary worship.
They need to experience a supernatural God when they come to church. Our society is
desperate for more of God and to find personal signifcance in this life. People are searching in all the wrong
places. Churches which can provide breakthrough ministry to the
hurting, the depressed, people with addictions, all the people in a
dreadful bondage to some sinful lifestyle-- will make a difference in
this world. Not only will they will introduce others to the Lord
Jesus Christ, but they will teach them to become mature sons of God
who are submitted to and led by the Holy Spirit.
The Anointing & Gifts
David was anointed by God as both a worshiper and a warrior. These gifts and skills enabled him to be a great leader and to fulfill his destiny in the kingdom of God. When God gave David his BT against the Philistines, he went from hiding from his enemies…to destroying them. From being a victim... to being a victorious overcomer. From being stuck in a desperate situation... to fulfilling his destiny on Mt. Zion. From living in a cave in the desert…to living in the King's palace in Jerusalem! And so can we! With God's help, we can over come all the power of the enemy and fulfill our destiny in the kingdom of God today. Can you shout, “Hallelujah!”
Proclamation to Declare
God, we declare that you are Lord over all the battles in our life.
We ask you to forgive us for how we've missed the mark and not obeyed
Your Word. We ask you to give us victory over all works of the flesh
and over all our enemies. We ask You to empower us like David with a
double anointing to be worshipers and warriors for God.
We choose this day to forget those things which are behind and reach toward those things which are ahead. We choose to press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. We proclaim that you alone are the God of our destiny and the Master of our breakthroughs! Amen!”
Prayer Ministry
it is time to be DOERS of the Word and not just hearers only. Let's
go back to Principle #1 where we began this message. First, there has
to be a “breakdown”
of the current way of doing something before God can bring about a
There has to be an end to the works of the flesh before we can press
on toward the high calling in Christ.
of you reading this article are stuck in the break down
stage and are having difficulty even getting into the Secret
Place to hear God speak to you. Others of you have become stagnant
in your spiritual development. It's like you aren't growing in
the Lord and making any spiritual progress. Both groups are
experiencing hindrances to BT listed earlier which are robbing you of
the anointing and your destiny in Christ.
you are stuck, you are holding on to discouragement,
disappointment, fear, anger, resentment or other negative emotion
that is interfering with you getting a BT in a situation or
relationship. If you are stagnant, you've been convicted by the Holy
Spirit of negative beliefs which are hindering your spiritual
maturity; such as doubt, unbelief, passivity, not spending time
with the Lord, or not being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
15: 18, “But the things that come out of the mouth come from
the heart, and these make a man unclean. For out of the heart comes
evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false
testimony, slander. These are what make a man unclean.”
the hindrances to BT are stored in your own heart. These negative
thoughts, attitudes and emotions are what the enemy feeds on in you.
But you have a choice now. Do you want to hold on to those negative
beliefs and emotions and remain as you are? OR do you want to release
them out of your heart and experience victory?
if you're STUCK or STAGNANT or can identity some other issues and would like to experience a personal
breakthrough in your life and ministry, I invite you to pray the
prayer below from the depths of your heart. It might also be helpful to go to someone you trust and who is spiritually mature in the Lord and ask them to pray with you.
to Release the Hindrances
God, I ask you to forgive me for holding on to these negative issues.
I ask you to forgive me for any way I hurt someone else or sinned
against them. I choose right now to repent of the hindrances stored in
my heart and strive for breakthrough in my walk with you.
release __________ from my heart. I speak to my heart now and tell it
to “Let it go. It's time to move on.” I release
the anointing and blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse my heart. I choose
to impart peace, trust, love (the opposite of what you just
released). I choose to love God and obey His Word.
Jesus, I ask you to fulfill your covenant promise in Ezekial 11:20 and Hebrews 8. I give to You my heart of stone and I ask You to give me a
tender, loving heart that desires to follow after You and obey your
Word.Thank you, Lord, for helping me recieve a supernatural BT today
so that I can walk in freedom and victory. Amen!
A Psalm to Celebrate Your Victory!
Psalm 91:1-2. If you know the melody and can sing it, use this song to celebrate your new found victory over the hindrances to BT. If you would like the music to sing with, follow the link below to a wonderful Hosanna Integrity version on Youtube.
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (repeat)
And I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge... and my fortress;
My God, in Him will I trust.” (repeat ) (repeat 2 more x)
Link to the CD:
A Blessing!
May the Lord bless you with His Presence today like never before. May your heart be cleansed and purified so that the Spirit of Christ is manifested in your life and character. May you be blessed with supernatural breakthroughs so that the River of Life flows through you and out to others. May you be blessed with healing and deliverance so you discover your destiny in the Kingdom of God!
If this series of articles has been beneficial to you, please leave a comment below or send by email. If you have any questions about the contents, please send an email inquiry to:
and Pat James are founders of Tree of Life Ministries, a Christian
counseling ministry located in Morganton, North Carolina. After they
received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1975, they were called into
the ministry. Tommy received a MA in Theology from Liberty Bible College in
Pensacola, Florida in 1985. From 1991 until 2013 they were ordained with
Christian International Network of Ministers (CINM). They were affiliated
with the Healing House Network providing Restoring the Foundations
ministry for over 10 years where they were seminar leaders and
trainers. Pat received a MA in Human Services Counseling from Regent
University in 2008. Their primary focus is on providing discipleship,
pastoral counseling, inner healing and deliverance for the body of