the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His
servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).
"See, the
former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before
they spring forth I tell you of them"
(Is. 42:9).

are the prophets saying?
Here is a short list of some of the
more notable prophetic voices. You can go on-line to read these
articles and watch the videos to have a more complete picture.
John Kilpatrick. The Wind Has Shifted.
of the Lord For 2016: The Year the Tide Turns". Elijah
List, February 5,
2016 and at http://www.prophetic.tv/watch/watch.php?ID=25.
the Apostolic
Council of Prophetic Elders
conference in November, 2015.
Revival in the Air!"
Elijah List, 2-4-16. http://www.elijahlist.com/index.php.
Pierce's Conference
with Dutch Sheets. Nov. 27, 2016
5. Tom Hamon. “God is Raising Your Profile” Christian International, Vision Church, Santa Rosa Beach, FL. January 4, 2016. http://www.flowprophetic.com/tom-hamon-wol2016/
Keys to the Kingdom
Dutch Sheets, a forerunner in the body of Christ for decades, is calling Christians to pray for revival as the only solution to the mess we're in as a nation. His An Appeal to Heaven prayer rallies and PRAY 15 prayer app for your Iphone are motivating people to pray for 15 minutes each day. The Lord gave Dutch two scriptures that would release revival in our nation. He is encouraging millions of Christians to ask the Holy Spirit to give us the keys to revival.
Isaiah 22:22, “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”
biblical times, literally the door keeper was given the key to King
David's household which was the city of Jerusalem. Each morning
the door keeper would open the doors of the city and each evening, he
would close them for the night. The door keeper held a position of
rank and authority in David's army and was responsible for the
welfare of the city. Other door keepers held the keys that locked and unlocked the doors of the prison cells, the treasury, any important strongholds that belonged to the King.
Spiritually speaking, we
know it is King Jesus who holds the keys to the kingdom. There is a
spiritual principle which says, as it is in the natural, so it is in
the spiritual realm. Jesus gave his disciples and therefore, the
church, the keys to the kingdom to do greater works than even He did.
He has given mature, Spirit-filled believers the authority in Christ
to bind up demonic strongholds and loose the people of God and
situations from Satan's grip. When we do our part, the angels will
carry out the actual binding and loosing in the spiritual realm.
Revelation 3:7b: “These are the words of Him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open."
Patricia King experienced a “prophetic encounter” at 5:55 on the morning of January 31, 2016. She was taken to a corridor in heaven with doors that were shut. The Lord's voice spoke: "I am taking you to new levels.... I will show you things that you know not. I will reveal Kingdom mysteries to you in this season. I will demonstrate My power and there will be a great harvest as the river of revival goes to the nations. Partner with Me for I desire to pour out My Spirit in a new wave upon the earth in this hour.
one of the doors was a sign which said, "REVIVAL" An angel
stood outside the door guarding the room. People approached the door,
but could not enter, because they
did not have the right
One person approached the angel showing the
key called FAITH-FILLED
The angel's face lit up and proclaimed, "This
is the key that will open the door" ...And
the door opened.

- Shifting seasons and “suddenlies”
- New assignments and re-alignments
- Increase in supernatural gifts, miracles, salvations
- Heaven will partner with earth to produce a great awakening
- River of God will bring healing, deliverance. Position yourself in the river!
- A rise in prophetic evangelism: prophecy and words of knowledge
- Angels waiting for the Church to rise up and press the battle to the full.
- Dynamic release of power to accomplish the purposes of God
- Radical move of God that occurs outside the current church structure
- Keys of authority that will open and close doors in the spirit realm
- A year of kairos opportunities- an appointed time to seize the moment
- Many prodigals will be coming home this year.
Keys for Being Involved in the Next Move of God by Pat James.
of all, here are the people who will be left out of
the next move of God and may even work to oppose it. These
characteristics come from Revelation chapters 2 and 3 in the letters
to the seven churches. Those who:
- Forsake their first love for Jesus Christ. Serving Christ is not a priority in their life.
- Are afraid of persecution, slander and rejection by others.
- Have compromised their walk with God through the influence of a secular society or other world religions.
- Practice sexual immorality, false prophets, or have tolerated the Jezebel spirit.
- Have a reputation for being alive, but are actually “dead” or spiritually “asleep.”
- Lukewarm Christians- compromised their faith with the world for wealth or success; who are apathetic, passive, lazy, content to just be a “sinner saved by grace.”
- Refuse to give up doctrines of men, old mindsets and opinions that interfere with new revelations brought by the Spirit today.
- Have blasphemed the Holy Spirit by saying what the Lord is doing is demonic or a work of Satan.
Then, here are the kinds of Christians who will be included:
- The church at Philadelphia- Rev. 3:7-8, “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.
- Those who have spiritual eyes that see, and ears that can hear what the Spirit is saying to the church today.
- Those who are spiritually discerning the times and the seasons of God.
- Those who “will embrace the pain of change” in order to crossover into a new season.(Doug Addison's prophesy for 2016). Includes being rejected by others and being re-positioned for God's purposes and advancement.
- Those who “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called (them) heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-15).
Key Scriptures for the Body of Christ
Stir up the gift
of God in you.
(Acts 1:4, I Tim.
4:14, 2 Tim. 1:6) 2 Timothy 1:6, "For this reason I
remind you to fan into flame the gift of God,
which is in you through the laying on of my hands" (NIV). The
“gift of God” is the power of the Holy Spirit in you. Have you
received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with "the gift" of tongues according to the book of
Pray in the Spirit.
Eph. 6:18,
"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit." Jude
20. “But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most
holy faith and praying
in the Holy Spirit.” This means
praying in the power of the Holy Spirit with the prayer language given to you
by the Spirit.
5:25. “Since we live
by the Spirit,
let us keep in step
with the Spirit.”
- Be spiritually minded, versus being naturally minded.
- Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading, conviction, wisdom.
- Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit- Romans 14:17
Take captive every thought.
Corinthians 10:5, We demolish arguments and every
pretension that
sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take
captive every thought
to make it obedient to Christ.
Of course, we understand how important it is to take captive thoughts
that are evil, but in these last days, we will also have to take
captive those that are natural, logical or even rational. Being
naturally minded will interfere with our being able to hear what the
Spirit of God wants us to know. Scripture tells us that the carnal
mind in enmity toward God and does not discern the truth (Rom. 8:7).
Prophetic Words
out the month of January, I have been praying and asking the Father
to give me the message He had for our lighthouse this month. On
several of those occasions between 4:00 and 5:00am in the morning, I
heard the still small voice of the Spirit speaking a clear word.
am bringing in the people and the resources you will need for this
new season. I will fulfill My purposes for this lighthouse. I will
supply all your needs to accomplish the purpose I've given to you.
Look to me constantly for I am Jehovah Jireh, your Provider.” (and on another morning),
“I am coming with the fresh wind of the Spirit to fill your sails
with power that propels you into your purpose. Stay focused on your purpose, position and power."
the course of the next weeks, I kept hearing these three words:
purpose, position and power.
God is speaking to all of us that we need to know what
our kingdom purpose is,
we need to get
in the position
He wants us to be, and so He can
release supernatural power
like we've never seen before. A mighty river of living water is going
to be released from heaven that will bring about the greatest
awakening the earth has ever experienced.
The purpose of HAL is “to reach
people with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ that they might
become transformed into His image as sons and daughters of God.”
Our purpose is NOT about getting people “saved” so they can
escape hell and go to heaven. It's a message of transformation so
they can help build the kingdom of God here on earth. HAL is called to be a hub, a central
meeting place in our community, where people from different churches
and backgrounds can meet in UNITY to worship God, to receive from Him
and to be supernaturally changed by Him.
Life in the kingdom of God is all
about serving the purposes and plans of God; not our own lifestyles,
ambitions, interests or desires. We belong to God now; we are not our
own. We have become His sons and daughters. He wants to know that He
can trust us with the keys to His kingdom. What is your
God-ordained purpose in life? What has He called you to do for His
ourselves. One meaning
of the word position is your location. To
catch the wind of the Spirit, we may need to relocate, change
churches, change jobs, align ourselves with a ministry that is going
where we want to go. It's time for a re-alignment and a new
assignment so we can fulfill the call of God upon our lives.
Biblically and spiritually speaking,
the word position means to
position ourselves IN CHRIST. We have to have our identity
firmly established in who we are in Christ. Our old nature has to be
crucified. We reckon ourselves to be dead and buried. Jesus Christ
lives in us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are sons of God, the
bride of Christ, carriers of His glory. How does God see you?
That's what matters the most!
quote Dutch Sheets, “Position
yourselves to have FAVOR with the King.” Doug
Addison said,
is very important. It
is crucial to align with the right people and places this year. It is
important to look at the lives of those you are aligned with. What is
the fruit of their ministry or efforts? Are they producing fruit for
the kingdom that will last?”
by the Holy Spirit.
In a prophecy
by Armstrong & LeStrange, it is written “I
began to see in my spirit creative miracles and power gifts coming
forth on a level that I have personally never witnessed. I sense the
Father urging a generation to contend for higher levels of miracles
and to carry greater mantles”
(Elijah List, 2-6-16).
Connor prophesied that “The
Holy Spirit is truly anointing the Body of Christ in an unprecedented
manner in these days. Believers are realizing that they cannot
fulfill their role in the purposes of God unless they have His
power.” (Elijah List, 1-24-16).
During the third watch of the morning, I (Pat James) heard the Spirit say, “I
have given you a new mantel of authority to help you do the work of
the ministry and an angel to assist you in the spirit realm.”
As a matter of fact, a group of angels has been assigned to our
lighthouse to do warfare over us, and to carry out the process of
opening and closing doors in the spirit, and to bind up demonic
spirits and loose the captives into freedom! With God and His angel army on our side,
who can stand against us!
are we going to accomplish all this?
By trusting totally in the plan God has for our life. We
have to trust the Lord to take us sailing in deep waters of the open
ocean leaving behind all that is dear to us, our secure surroundings,
possibly our family and friends. We have to be willing to forsake
all-- for the eternal joy of loving and serving our Lord, according to the path that He chose for us. Remember, God chose us first to love and to serve Him. It is up to us to respond by choosing to do His will for our lives and surrendering our own self-will.
Today the
Spirit spoke these three key words to us: purpose, position and
power. Here are some key
questions you need to
take before the Lord in prayer and wait on Him until you hear the
answers. Let him who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying.
- Do you know your personal purpose in the kingdom of God? What has God planned for you to do for Him?
- Are you in the position where God wants you to be? Or do you need to re-locate?
- Are you ready to partner with the Holy Spirit to release His power? Or do you always have some excuse not to go deeper in God?
the answer is YES, then you need the keys to the kingdom of heaven to
do that! (Is. 22:22 and Matt. 16:19).
- Key strategies that will defeat the enemy and lead to breakthrough and miracles.
- Keys of authority to open doors and to close doors, to bind and to loose.
- Keys of anointing to do the greater works of God.
Prayer for Today.
Abba Father, I thank you that
You have chosen me to be your child and have given me a purpose in Your
kingdom. Forgive me for all the ways I have not surrendered to the
call of God on my life. Forgive me for not living according to Your
kingdom principles. Give me now the grace and the power to do Your
will and to fulfill my destiny in Your kingdom. Give me Your divine
enablement to continually live in the Spirit, pray in the Spirit,
stir up the gifts of the Spirit and bring every thought captive to
the obedience of Christ. I love you, Lord, and thank you for hearing
my prayer today. I thank you for baptizing me in the Holy Spirit so I can serve you with my whole heart, soul and spirit. In the precious Name of Jesus, Amen.
This message was given at the Hickory, NC, Aglow Lighthouse meeting on February 13, 2016 by Pat James, President. Tommy & Pat James founded Tree of Life Ministries in Morganton, North Carolina and serve the Lord by providing private confidential counseling, speaking at local churches, discipling individuals and couples, and writing Christian books and articles for publication. www.tolr.org.