January, 2012. Once again I have chosen to read through God's Word in a year's time, but this year it is a new translation recently published by Bill Morford, the One New Man Bible: Revealing Jewish Roots and Power, 2011 (available at Amazon.com). We know Bill personally through our fellowship with him in the Christian International Apostolic Network. Bill's goal is to provide a greater understanding of and appreciation for the power given to believers- the power in which we're all suppose to walk and to make the Jewish roots of Christianity come alive. I would like to challenge you to a New Year's resolution to read your Bible through in a year, as a great way to gain more understanding of God, His ways and His will for you.
As I read through the passages in Exodus about the construction of the wilderness tabernacle or Tent of Meeting where God met with Moses and the Israelites, I saw the words blue, scarlet and purple again and again. Twenty-six times to be exact! They seem to be jumping off the page like they did back this fall. On October 24, 2011, I published an article on these three divine colors and posted it as part 4 in that series. Please go back and read that post if you have not done so already. The Lord graciously gave me some revelation about the meaning of those particular colors and why God instructed Moses to use them in the construction and furnishings of the wilderness tabernacle. After providing a description of each color and its significance, I summarized with the following paragraph.
“Therefore, the divinely chosen colors of blue, scarlet and purple were a prophetic representation of our triune God- the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who have come to live and move and have their being in us. How awesome is our God! How truly magnificent is His plan through out all of history!”
Yet today as I read these same passages again, I sensed the Holy Spirit saying something more. “Dig deeper here for more treasure.” Well, that got my attention and I thought I should read more, listen closely and write down what I was given. Whenever God repeats Himself in scripture we better pay attention. Here in Exodus, we have the same three colors mentioned twenty-six times! That means the revelation of the colors is emphasized over and over again. The revelation is-- that a triune God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit want to live and move and have their being in and through us, his body here on earth!
With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will attempt to bring a fresh word regarding what the Lord wants to say to us about the current presence and work of the Trinity in His people. Since this post is suppose to be a blog instead of a book, I am going to divide this message into multiple posts and send them out over time. Stayed tuned for part 2 of “The Trinity Abiding in Us.”
(The painting above shows God the Father, the Holy Spirit (in the form of a dove) and Jesus Christ by Francesco Albani. www.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity.)
(The painting above shows God the Father, the Holy Spirit (in the form of a dove) and Jesus Christ by Francesco Albani. www.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity.)
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